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Small Community Iftars 

We bring different groups together, promoting dialogue, mutual understanding and friendship

“It was a pleasure to host volunteers of the Dialogue Society for a fast-breaking dinner at our chapel during Ramadan. Whilst we provided the venue, they provided the delicious food which we shared between the two congregations. Some of the chapel’s congregation had also fasted that particular day to experience the joy at the time of fast-breaking together with our Muslim friends. It truly was an amazing evening of feast, friendship and fun.”

Father Jim Robinson, Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, Hampstead.

We invite a diverse group of people

As we have been hosting fast-breaking dinners during Ramadan for a while, we have learned that bringing the community together through a larger fast-breaking meal is an excellent way to continue promoting dialogue and understanding. We invite a diverse group of people, including a specific religious congregation (church, synagogue, temple, etc.), community group (older people’s club, women’s group, etc.), or group of local stakeholders (local police officers, staff of local health center, etc.). Our events typically welcome between 20 and 40 people, and it's relatively easy to arrange. 

The call to prayer

We have found that providing a recitation of the call to prayer, with a slideshow giving the translation of the call to prayer has been very effective in educating non-Muslim guests about Ramadan customs. Additionally, we often allow non-Muslim guests to observe the prayer, giving them a deeper understanding of the Ramadan fast-breaking experience.